Madithattu (In the Lap), a thought-provoking Malayalam-language short film illuminating the challenges faced by families of individuals with intellectual disabilities. This film has garnered critical acclaim from both mainstream media and independent reviewers.
Watch the TrailerGopal Menon
Gopal Menon is an award-winning Indian documentary filmmaker renowned for impactful, human-centered films that blend activism and artistry. His work spans vital themes, from violence and religious extremism to human rights, environmental issues, and caste dynamics.
A seasoned collaborator with international networks, Menon has served as a country producer, director, cameraman, and researcher on numerous projects, including the BBC documentary India: The Modi Question and Channel 4’s Hindu Nationalism in the UK.
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Gopal Menon has partnered with G. Balakrishnan to craft over a hundred television commercials including films for brands like Air Vistara, LPG for Government of India (featuring Amitabh Bachchan), BMW (featuring Sachin Tendulkar), Vivo, Oppo, Nalli Jewellers, Bhima Jewellery, Nerolac, MasterChef, Fun Cinemas and more.
The Broken Camera, a compelling three-minute documentary chronicling the journey of Xuhaib Maqbool Hamza—a photojournalist injured by a pellet gun while documenting a peaceful protest following the death of Hizbul commander Burhan Wani—was selected for the competition section of RODE REEL 2020, the world's largest short film competition.